College Committee on Professional Evaluation & College Review Panel

College Committee on Professional Evaluation

College Committee on Professional Evaluation Members:   None

A. Within thirty (30) calendar days after execution of the 1981 revised Memorandum of Understanding between the State University and United University Professions relating to a system of evaluation, a five person Committee on Professional Evaluation shall be formed at each college.

The Committee shall consist of three (3) professional employees serving in positions in the negotiating unit at each college, elected at large by all of the professional employees in the negotiating unit at the college in accordance with procedures developed and implemented by the UUP chapter president. The remaining members shall be selected by the college president. The chair shall be selected by the Committee from among its members.

In the event of a resignation or the inability of a member to serve, that member shall be replaced within thirty (30) calendar days pursuant to the procedures outlined in A above.

During the period September 1 to September 30 of each year, the UUP chapter president, at his or her discretion, may choose to replace any or all members of the committee elected at large by the professional employees in the negotiating unit and cause a new election to be held pursuant to the above procedures to fill the vacancy or vacancies created. Additionally, during the same period each year, the college president, in his or her discretion, may choose to replace any or all members he or she has selected to serve on the Committee and select a new member or members to fill the vacancy or vacancies created. The newly established Committee will commence service on October 1.

B. Process of Review

(1) The Committee on Professional Evaluation established pursuant to Section VI. A. shall, upon the timely request of a professional employee, review a final evaluation report characterized as “unsatisfactory.”

(2) Committee review shall address both the procedures and substance of the unsatisfactory evaluation.

(3) As part of its review, the Committee at its discretion:

(a) shall have access to all previous formal evaluations of the professional employee concerned;

(b) may request and consider any additional comments by either the immediate supervisor or the professional employee;

(c) may request information pertinent to the review from secondary sources;

(d) may request that the immediate supervisor and/or the appellant meet with the Committee and respond to inquiries;

(e) shall be free to call upon any other individual whom they believe has information relative to the evaluation. All individuals shall be encouraged to cooperate with the Committee if so requested.

C. Disposition of Committee Report

The Committee shall complete the written recommendations within twenty-five (25) working days from the date of appeal, with copies to the professional employee, the immediate supervisor, the evaluators supervisor and the college president. Within ten (10) working days of the issuance of the report, the college president shall take such action as he or she deems appropriate and shall give written notice of such action to the professional employee, the immediate supervisor, the evaluators supervisor and the Committee on Professional evaluation.

College Review Panel

Scott Segar  Campus Ext.  3414
Aimee Swan  Campus Ext.  2029
Jessie Simpauco Campus Ext.  2035
Anthony Nichols Campus Ext.  2724
RP Withington Campus Ext.  3899

Each college president shall continue the procedure by which the professional employees shall elect a College Review Panel. Such Panel shall consist of not less than five (5) nor more than seven (7) members elected at large by all professional employees in the negotiating unit. The Panel shall:

(1) review applications for promotions of the type defined in Section II, Paragraph C(2) and make decisions and recommendations with respect to such applications in accordance with appropriate provisions of Paragraph E(2); and

(2) review applications for salary increases resulting from a permanent and significant increase in duties 111 and responsibilities which are not accompanied by a change in title or rank.

Salary Appeal Form (click here) 

The Salary Appeal Form is to be submitted to the UUP Office 105 IRC or via email to  It will then be forwarded to the Chair of the College Review Panel.  The CRP will schedule a meeting to review and contact you for any additional information as needed.

The UUP Reclassification process can be found on the college’s webpage by clicking here.